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Our Blog: A Collection of Resources: March 6, 2025

Welcome Spring with an Upcycled Terrarium

This month brings about many changes as we begin to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring. The season officially begins on Thursday, March 20.

Soon, those living in colder climates will see the shift happen right before their eyes! Buds will begin popping up on trees as the leaves return, sprouts will pop up in the landscaping as perennial blooms awaken, and lawns will shift from dull yellows and browns to vibrant shades of green.

For this month’s kid-friendly craft, we’re bringing the renewal of the outdoor world inside, by creating our own upcycled terrarium. It’s essentially a tiny little greenhouse giving you a little window into the lush world of botany on a small scale. 

Watch this video
 of our friends Grace (7) and Paxton (10) as they put one together with the help of their mom, a member of the Learning Care Group team. Then, make your own!

Visit your local plant shop, potting shed, or backyard to gather the supplies listed below. Upcycled items are great to use for this craft too! 

  • Empty plastic bottle
  • Scissors
  • Soil
  • Pebbles
  • Plant(s)
  • Water
  • Worm (optional)

Wondering about the worm? Look around after a spring rain shower, just like the birds do when hunting for food. You only need one! 

Ready to get started? If the weather is nice, this is a great activity to do outside. If not, cover your workspace with newspaper to contain the happy mess you might make.

  1. To begin, carefully cut the plastic bottle in half with an adult's help. Set the top aside, you’ll need it later.
  2. Your first layer will be pebbles. Pour in a healthy amount, maybe a couple inches or so.
  3. Now add the soil so your plants have nutrients to feed on.
  4. Next, poke a few holes down into the soil with your finger, one for each small plant.
  5. Give your plant(s) a small drink of water to moisten the soil, but don’t saturate it. Watch as the excess water trickles down into the pebble layer.
  6. If you found a worm, drop it in now! What do you think will happen? Will it stay on top? Will it burrow down below the surface? Have fun doing a little research with your child. Earthworms provide nutrient-rich fertilizer and help to aerate the soil.
  7. Use the top of the bottle as your terrarium lid (and to keep that worm in its new home).
  8. Put your creation on a sunny windowsill.

You’ve just created your own contained ecosystem! Observe how the plant changes with the moist air and the greenhouse effect of the sunlight. Watch how the worm acts as it gets to know its new habitat.

Your upcycled terrarium certainly won’t last forever, but it’s a great activity to spark conversations about sustainability while reusing common materials to bring a little magic to your day.

