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Our Blog: A Collection of Resources: June 7, 2024

Salt Dough Memory Stone

As parents, we often wish we could freeze time to remember the sweetest moments of our child’s earliest years. Pictures can do that for us—and so does this month’s craft!

We’re going to show you how to create a salt dough memory stone with imprints from objects that tell a story about the things your little one loves to do. It’s a great craft to try ahead of Father’s Day and can be gifted to the special guy in your child’s life who helps to create those memories.

Children ages 2 and up will love to get their hands dirty to help make and mix the dough. Pushing objects down into the dough to create texture is a great fine motor activity that appeals to the senses.

The salt dough recipe is all-natural and safe* for kids of all ages, even older infants when supervised carefully through the process. They can push their fingers or make a handprint in the dough to feel it squish while making simple marks and impressions.

Gather these things:

  • ¼ cup salt
  • ½ cup flour
  • ¼ cup water
  • Mixing bowl
  • Baking sheet
  • Variety of materials

Ideas for objects that leave a neat imprint and reflect beloved activities:

Lego bricks – If you love building, this one is fun!

Golf ball – Try rolling it across the dough to leave a track.

Necklace – Do you love to play dress-up? Press it down to see what mark it makes.

Nature items – Enjoy being outside? Try using flowers, sticks, or rocks.

Toy cars – Drive them through the dough!

Plastic animal footprints – Love visiting the zoo? Leave a track!

Letters – Use magnets or other small letters to stamp your name.

Watch as our friend, Eliana (3), makes her own to see how it’s done.
She loves to play outside with her dad and enjoys helping him find items on his grocery shopping list. Think about your favorite interests and activities for creative inspiration that feels special to you.

Ready to get started? Follow these steps:

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Mix flour, salt, and water in the mixing bowl. If the dough seems too sticky, add small amounts of flour until it is pliable. If the dough becomes too dry, the stone could crack.
  3. Shape a piece of dough into a ball and then flatten it on the cookie sheet to about ½" thick.
  4. Press the objects into the dough to make imprints and designs. Work together to write the year into the dough.
  5. Bake for 2 to 2 ½ hours until completely hardened and dry.
  6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before removing the stone from the cookie sheet.

The stone can be left as is or it can be painted to add even more personalization. A clear coat of Mod Podge will seal and make the stone shiny. Enjoy gifting your salt dough memory stone to a dad, grandpa, or special friend. It will freeze these sweet moments in time for years to come!

*While salt dough is technically edible, it is important to supervise infants because it can be a choking hazard.
