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Our Blog: A Collection of Resources: October 5, 2023

Healthy Halloween Charcuterie Board

We have a few tricks up our sleeve to help you serve up some nutritious treats this Halloween. The costume parties don’t have to be all about the CANDY. At school, all our celebrations are intentionally designed to encourage and support healthy habits for children and staff. Try it at home! 

With a little creativity, you can make this adorably festive Halloween charcuterie board. It’s loaded with healthy, easy-to-grab snacks that you can feel good sharing. Have it ready for an after-school snack on October 31 to set the tone for a fun evening or take it to a family-friendly gathering.

It’ll be a spook-tacular hit!

Below you’ll find two Grow Fit-approved recipes that we like to use at school. Orange pumpkins and banana ghosts! Use them to get your board started with some cute personality and fill it in from there. Ours has a plastic spider in the center! Customize it to fit your own tastes and preferences. We also used:

  • Blackberries, grapes, and watermelon (cut with a ghost cookie cutter)
  • Low-fat deli meat roll-ups and low-fat cheese squares
  • Mini peppers (with eyes)
  • Whole-wheat crackers

Orange or Clementine (Cutie) Pumpkins

  • Oranges or clementines, peeled
  • Green pepper, sliced into 1- to 2-inch pieces
  • Vanilla yogurt (for dipping)

Decide how many pumpkins you want to put on your charcuterie board and peel them. To create the appearance of a stem, stick a small piece of green pepper down into the middle of each one. Provide vanilla yogurt for dipping. It tastes great on any other fruit you want to include too!

Banana Ghosts

  • Bananas, peeled
  • Raisins or circular cereal
  • Sun butter

Cut the bananas in half to create two ghosts each. You’ll use a small dot of sun butter as the glue to create a face with the raisins or cereal pieces. Use two for the eyes and a third for the mouth.

Share some silly Halloween jokes too! I bet your little goblins will giggle, just like we did.

What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?

How do you fix a damaged jack o ’lantern?
Use a pumpkin patch!

What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?

What game do ghosts like to play?

Happy Halloween! Enjoy the festivities and be safe.
